The Degree of the Moon: Parallax and Bound Lords

Eclectic Occultista
5 min readFeb 11, 2022

Though a student of traditional astrology, I’m hardly averse to poking around the vast and diverse discipline in search of technical gems that intrigue. As such, while you’ll most likely see my nose buried in Bonatti or Paulus, I’ll occasionally incorporate a little modern astrology into my reading buffet.

Enter Steven Forrest’s The Book of the Moon: Discovering Astrology’s Lost Dimension. Before I delve into the reason for my post on Mr. Forrest’s book, I need to say that his highly accessible volume, The Inner Sky, launched me on my journey into…



Eclectic Occultista

Hellenistic astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing weekly astrology forecasts and occasional Tarot thoughts.