Thank you for reading and for such a thoughtful response! I am totally on the fence about the eclipse cycle moving into the Aries-Libra axis, since I've had a fairly wild money ride also, with the Taur/Scorp eclipses hitting 8/2H in my chart. I have completely redefined my financial priorities and taken some odd dollar hits as a result, but for my longer-term happiness (I hope!).
YES! I have totally been watching the banking situation in the U.S. and have meant to pull up some charts and take a peek at the upcoming transits, but just haven't had a chance. I definitely feel like this has some serious Pluto undertones, balancing the scales of justice after the agglomeration of wealth that institutions, organizations and big business pursued under Pluto-in-Cap. What I have my eye on as well is Jupiter's conjunction to Uranus in April of next year, since I'm not convinced it'll be all that rosy where massive wealth is concerned.
The situation in France has been fascinating to watch as well. I find it interesting that we had the Saturn-Uranus-square pandemic lockdown signature to contend with before, and as soon as Saturn vacates Aquarius and Pluto moves in, we have massive labour upset and challenges to individual and collective autonomy, rights, etc. The celestial signatures don't mess around, that's for sure!
June is looking like it might be a little gentler, so I hope the astrology is kind to you in the weeks and months ahead! :)