Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 12–18, 2023* — Scorpio New Moon

Eclectic Occultista
4 min readNov 11, 2023

The realities of Scorpio season may be hitting some of us especially hard. For me, friends and family are confronting the Big ‘C’ in ever increasing numbers. The downright frightening diagnoses seem to be a constant reminder of life’s precariousness. Each breath is a gift.

While the more weighty keywords associated with the eighth astrological sign give many of us pause, we cannot lose sight of the more positive connotations that this Martial-ruled constellation also embodies. Before we jump to the bleak…



Eclectic Occultista

Hellenistic astrologer & Tarot lover. Writing monthly astrology forecasts and occasional Tarot thoughts. www.unravelingthestars.com