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Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 7–13, 2022 — Challenging Energies, Combatting Burnout*
Hey star-gazers! This is your forecast for the week ahead.
I hope everyone is looking after themselves given the heightened energies of the last few weeks. Fatigue and burnout may have hit many in and around the October 25 eclipse, possibly even growing into a lack of motivation, concentration, or desire to do very much approaching Mars’ retrograde station just before October 30. If this sounds like it could have been you, then hopefully a couple of the South Node transits last week lifted a little emotional weight until the next eclipse hits us on Tuesday.
Remember, if you’re feeling tired, under-motivated, or alternatively, overstimulated thanks to the Moon’s conjunction to Uranus, then make sure that you take any self-care measures you need to stay grounded and to bring any over-activate energies down. Don’t try too hard in and around this time. Don’t push yourself. If it helps, make some lists of what you need to do and only tackle the most pressing things.
Given that the asteroid, Hygeia, is opposing retrograde Mars in a sign-based opposition this week, there could be a very real preventative health opportunity in the weeks ahead to ensure we combat mental burnout through Sagittarian and Jupiterian-eque remedies: travel, spiritual pursuits, and meditation. Mars and Hygeia will reach exact opposition later this month, on the 26th, so again, this could be a good time to try and get into a routine…