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Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 23–30, 2022* — Possibilities Await!
Hey star-gazers! This is your weekly astrology forecast for October 23–30, 2022. I hope everyone managed through the energies of the last week!
We have quite a number of shifts to cover, including planets turning direct, planets turning retrograde, and planets changing signs. Most importantly, we have an eclipse happening, but I won’t be covering that in this forecast since I already released a detailed rising sign forecast for that event.
We start the week under the Sun-Venus conjunction that we covered briefly last week. This is, of course, a significant aspect, since it marks the commencement of the second-half of Venus’ synodic cycle, which will take us to August of 2023.
It’s also significant since it’s occurring at the anaretic, or 29th degree of the sign before both Venus and the Sun switch signs on October 23. This will be a huge dignity change for both planets!
The Sun will no longer be in the place of its fall, which can help you get some of your personal agenda and aims back on track, but Venus will be in her exile, confronted with a much cooler, calculating and Martial sign where her tactical weaponry, including balance, justice and diplomacy, simply isn’t as effective.